Friday, November 15, 2013

new poem

This poem is dedicated to Jasmine McCain, a 10 year old who committed suicide after repeatedly being bullied in Columbus NC. (Local to my neighborhood)-- My point is, no matter who they are, they have a weakness, and it would be awful to be the reason someone ended their life. I am 14, and in my school, bullying is powerful. It's ruining us. We're now segregated into groups of race, skin tone, imperfections, size etc. It has gone too far... It's a scary, cold place.. but keep your head up

Until It's Too Late

Walking through the school yard,

And sickened by what I see..

All this hatred,

But nothing that surprises me.

Innocent people hated,

Because of who they are.

They wear long sleeves,

To cover up their scars.

How could you make someone hate their selves so much,

They want to feel pain?

What this world has come to,

Is such a shame.

The Words You Say Neglect them..

But the bully doesn’t care, because

It doesn’t affect them.

They lay at night,

And they think about all the things you say..

They honestly can't go on even another day.

How do you sleep at night?

Knowing you're the reason

Someone else wants to end their life?

You're hurting them, because

Of what they look like.

All you do is laugh,

When they start to cry

No-one tries to stop them,

until it's too late.

They thought that that was the only way,

The only way to escape.


Died for NO REASON, and did NOTHING WRONG.

You feel better now?

You wanted them to fall,

They're gone now, and it's too late because of the quiet ones who saw..

So think about it….. Yeah

Someone's life ended

Because of what you and your friends did

S T O P . Just stop… Please? S T E P. U P

Y'all think this is a game, Right ?.. Wrong. this is sad reality.


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