Tuesday, October 29, 2013

TERRIFIC: Today's Tag Along Tuesday, And MY Experience

Tag Along Tuesday!!

Did you Enjoy your "Tag Along" Tuesday??
Who did you invite to tag along?
Did it make, or could you tell the person you invited to tag along happy and put a smile on their face?
Did it make you feel good and happy inside?
Did it put a smile on your face?

Even if you didn't didn't feel good, put a smile on your face, or make you feel happy inside, I am POSITIVE that it made the other person feel that way. You will also have a new friend.

My Experience of TAT...
The person I invited to tag along with me doesn't want their name to be said, they want to be anonymous, was very excited! I could really tell, She was smiling the whole entire day! At the end of the day, I gave her a hug and said that she can hang with me  ANY day and tell me ANYTHING and tell me Any problem.I meant that. She will also probably be the person I will exchange numbers with on Text Me Thursday.

Tomorrow is is WAY TO GO WEDNESDAY!!

If you have any questions, stories, or would like to help us cure this "bullying disease" please contact us @:

Today is Tag Along Tuesday!


Monday, October 28, 2013

Motivational Monday!

Sorry for the delay,  since I didn't post for a reminder that the Days of the Week started this week  The Days Of The Week Will Start Tommorow!


Do Something!

If someone you know is being bullied do something !! Don't be scared to do what is right! I know how you feel because I (the 12 year old) have been bullied too !!! It's is not fun and I hated it. I was scared to tell because of all the threats, and I was mad when no one else did anything to help me!!! Now I know that I should have done something, ........ but in the place and time of telling an adult I would always chicken out.   And if you are being bullied do something about it, don't do what I did because then you will just be hurt more.    

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Be, Stand, and Speak Up for Yourself!

Be yourself! Don't let anyone get you down. Stand up for yourself and for others! Let the hurtful words roll off your back.  You are amazing, who ever says otherwise doesn't know you very well!

IF you have a bullying story that you would like for us to share on our blog or any questions, contact us at: standupagainstbullying2013@gmail.com

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Don't Just Watch And Do Nothing!! SPEAK UP!!

Don't just be a bystander! If you see someone being bullied don't just stand around and do nothing, go tell an adult immediately. SPEAK UP!!

If you have any questions about BULLY ME NO MORE you can contact us at :
You can also contact us if you have a story of someone or even yourself being bullied and we can share it for you, you can be totally ANONYMOUS if you'd like.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Days of the Week Posts

Give People Motivational and Encouraging Words and Thoughts Throughout Your Day!

Tuesday- Tag-Along Tuesday
Find someone who always seems to hang out by themselves and invite them to "TAG ALONG" with you for the day!!

Wednesday- Way-To-Go Wednesday
Go out of your way to help someone else today!!!

Thursday- Text Me Thursday
Exchange numbers with someone and send them and EVERYONE In your contact list encouraging text messages!!

Friday- Feel Good Friday
By the time you do things during the week, you will have made other people feel good along with the feeling that you have made a difference in your school!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

Just because the list is only a list for the weekdays doesn't mean that you have to stop doing good deeds, keep being helpful in YOUR OWN WAY!!!!

If you have a story to share or any questions, please contact us at:

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Don't let bullies get you down!!! You are AMAZING and AWESOME, if they are bullying YOU then they don't know you very well!! SO PLEASE TELL AN ADULT, and if you see SOMEONE else getting bullied then TELL AN ADULT!!!!!

Definition of a Bully

if you have any bullying stories then please email us !! Comment what you think about our blog and posts, and please follow!


Bullying is NOT OKAY..... so why do people follow the bullies?   Because they are scared??
     Because the bully might hurt them too ??
     Because they are hurting on the inside just like the bully??
 Bullies have a reason to bully, like: they have trouble at home, or them too, was once or is currently being bullied.
Bullies try to tear you down to build THEMSELVES up.

If you have a bullying story then contact us at : standupagainstbullying2013@gmail.com

Bullying !!

What is Bullying?

Please STOP BULLYING !!!!! This is beginning to be a big problem in the world ! Stand up for yourself and others! If you see a person being bullied, tell a teacher or adult DON'T JUST BE A BYSTANDER!! SPEAK UP!!
If you are are being bullied, or know someone who is:
Contact us at:     standupagainstbullying2013@gmail.com
And we will...
Share your story on this blog totally ANONYMOUS if you want
Try to help and give you encouraging advice
See if there is any way we can help you get rid of this bully
If we personally know the bully, or not we can contact them and ask politely if they would stop
Please Follow Us!!!!
           BULLYING  !!!